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0xTrash CeloPunk #9617 minting my upcycled art, paintings, and performance work to incentive the end of plastic trash as we know it no more plastic
Total views

Total plastic recovered

202 kg

Plastic bottles recovered


Plastic bags recovered


Our Sustainable actions


0xTrash bought a collectible

Sleeping Beauty

over 2 years ago
2 kg

plastic recovered

2 kg

plastic recovered

I hope for a bucket of gold and no more plastic in the world
  1. Plastic Credit

    0xTrash supported a Recovery Entity

    Rintz Industries Certificate 10

    over 2 years ago
    1 kg

    plastic recovered

    1 kg

    plastic recovered

    The plastic recovered was PET 1, retrieved on the 31st of January 2022. Recycle Pamoja!

    Recovery Entity supported


0xTrash bought a collectible

Up in smoke

over 2 years ago
1 kg

plastic recovered

1 kg

plastic recovered

Shades of hope
  1. Plastic Credit

    0xTrash supported a Recovery Entity

    Vintz Plastics Ltd. Certificate 8

    over 2 years ago
    1 kg

    plastic recovered

    1 kg

    plastic recovered

    The plastic recovered was PP 5, retrieved on the 6th of June 2022. Recycle Pamoja!

    Recovery Entity supported

Plastic Credit

0xTrash supported a Recovery Entity

Manag'de & Pest Plastic Credit Nª 8

almost 3 years ago
9 kg

plastic recovered

9 kg

plastic recovered

Manag'de & Pest operates in the collection of plastic waste. Manag'de & Pest's plastic waste recycling is also dedicated to traning collectors in sorting plastic waste in addition to managing environmental projects.

0xTrash created a collectible

Revenge of the boxes

almost 3 years ago
1 kg

plastic recovered

1 kg

plastic recovered

Anthropomorphic cardboard box creatures enact their revenge on an unsuspecting public after being 'thrown away' - chaotic moment of catharsis.

Theatrical performance within the DAF festival, 2017

La Reliure, Geneva, Switzerland

digital photograph 1/10

1% royalties / 99% donation
Plastic Credit

0xTrash supported a Recovery Entity

Recyplast SARL Plastic Credit Nª 9

almost 3 years ago
15 kg

plastic recovered

15 kg

plastic recovered

RECYPLAST is a company specialized in the recycling of plastic waste in the Ivory Coast, in West Africa. They are engaged in all of the processes from collection to the production of secondary raw materials. Recyplast's mission is to preserve the environment, improve the quality of the living environment and create jobs.

A Sustainable Activity wall

As soon as the owner engages in sustainability activities, watch their positive impact come to life on this dynamic Activity Wall.
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