Playa plastiks 6
Leonardo GRYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Plastic is a great drama for beaches and marine beings. we have to act now
Playa plastiks 5
Leonardo GRYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Plastic is a great drama for beaches and marine beings. we have to act now
Space Chihuahua
0x04288bD...1840You will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
- exclusive access to space dog merch
Monica LizanoYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
We are different beings from each other, but we can combine attributes to complement mutually and make sure that the contrasts that characterize us don't make us separate, but make this world a better and stronger whole.
#22 Memphis nature
Ketterer designYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Coming from Memphis design style and mixing with organic elements
#75 Pink and Pears
Ketterer designYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Pieces from the FlorFruit collection to be part of the sustainable mission.
Plastik heroesYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
- Recover plastic worldwide and create a positive impact by aiding people in cleaning the environment.
Metaplastiks #005
CamilaYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Metaplastiks is a non-generative NFT project based on the fractal and colorful characteristics of recycled plastic. The different compositions arise from geometry and in the inspiration warm shades. Most of the pieces seek to generate visual compositions that encompass movement, colors and symmetry.
Collectible no.6
sweetheart9You will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Collect this artwork to help clean up the environment.
Hi-Dream.App presents , Collectible no. 6 (experimental processes) Inspired by colors, vibrancy , and Process Art.
Pull-up jump shot
Sheffield BasketballYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
Andrew Burkill-Dunn (#6), guard, with a nice-looking pull-up jump shot over defender against Manchester
Worship, Gem no. 24
sweetheart9You will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
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- Hi-Dream.App presents Live music and Art.
- Join the Discord to be part of Hi-Dream-Art-Collective.
Te miro y sonrío
DailynValdiviesoYou will recover
plastic waste
plastic bottles
- Etiqueta en historias de mi Instagram:
- Mencionaré tu apoyo y contribución en
- la recuperación de plástico.