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0 kg

Plastic recovered

0 kg

Plastic recovered

31 kg

Plastic recovered

0 kg

Plastic recovered

Founded and managed by two women entrepreneurs and headquartered in Costa Rica, it currently operates also in Guatemala, Perú, Colombia and Nicaragua. Soon to start operating in Q2 2022 in Argentina, Panamá and El Salvador. Our purpose is to promote a sustainable system for the recovery of materials and responsible consumption in the world. In 4 years we have managed to promote a circular and inclusive economy. +100 thousand users, + 200 partner companies + 100 allied local governments + 750 collection points + 5,500 tons of recovered materials (+ 575 tons of plastic) + 6,800 tons of CO2 avoided Ecoins has been recognized for its environmental impact by multiple international organizations including Interamerican Development Bank (among 9 finalists in Re think plastic innovation challenge), Guinness World Records (most plastic bottles collected to recycle in 8 hours), IDB-FEMSA (2020 Award for Innovation in Water and Sanitation) and obtained “A” in the Circulytics’s evaluation from Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2021).

10 kg

Plastic recovered

10 kg

Plastic recovered

75 kg

Plastic recovered

0 kg

Plastic recovered

100 kg

Plastic recovered

20 kg

Plastic recovered

10 kg

Plastic recovered

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