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0.0 0.0 0 recycling_nft 0xA943E609956DAC3Ce3f4F58168026004C83AC511 celo {"info":{"date_recylcling":"2023-04-05","recycler_country":"India","recycler_city":"तेलंगाना","invoice_number":"This NFT represents, recovery and diversion of 8120 Kg of PET Plastic bottles towards approved and compliant recycler. ","recycler_address":"A 703, GOLDEN CHARIOT, LOKHANDWALA ANDHERI WEST, MUMBAI","recycler_company_name":"Recity Network Private Limited","tax_id":"MUMR35970E","coordinates":[17.8495919,79.1151663]},"invoice_key":"8j5jz5whq70nt0vbgf73ivrgj1hs"} ERC1155 2957 false

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