Our Sustainable actions
Hi-Dream.App presents The Interview Collectible 14. Inspired by color palette , vibrancy, and Process Art. Collect this artwork by Sweetheart9 and help clean the environment with your purchase.
0xD83A5a...5Fc5 supported a roadmap
12 months ago2 kgplastic recovered
According to the European Commission, fishing gear and single-use plastics account for 70% of marine litter in Europe. Each year, around 640.000 tons of fishing nets are abandoned in the ocean and fishing ports.
It is estimated that nowadays less tan 1.5% of this waste is recycled (The Ocean Cleanup), not only one of the most abundant plastic waste in our oceans but also the worst for marine life.
From Gravity Wave we’ve been facing up this problem in the Mediterranean Sea since 2020. First, by collaborating with both traditional fishermen and companies, we collect all kinds of plastic from the sea (including discarded fishing nets from fishing ports). In a second stage, as Gravity Wave, we are specialized in the recycling of those ghost and discarded fishing nets.
To this day, we have already achieved to create a stable recycling process to transform PE fishing nets into beautiful furniture, but we are always under continuous R&D processes that allow us to recycle both more types of nets (different types of nets, different plastics, different recycling needs) and in larger volumes.
These funds will help us to take our industrial recycling tests one step further. One step more towards one of our main purpose:
“Move those plastics and fishing nets away from our oceans and transform them into valuable raw material for the industry”.
Join the movement and support us for a #PLASTICFREEOCEANS
Recovery Entity supported
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sweetheart9 created a collectible
Collectible 23 by Sweetheart9
about 1 year ago
1 kg
plastic recovered
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Hi-Dream.App presents live music and Art. Collect this gem Nostalgic no.22 to help clean the environment.
Hi-Dream.App presents collectible Berry Lemonade no.21. Collect this gem and help clean up the environment.